Making Money or Making Memories

Making Money or Making Memories

What is more important in life?

Is it the pursuit of making more money or is it the pursuit of making more memories?

What are you making money for? I was recently talking to a business owner who decided to take the leap and be an entrepreneur.  It is obviously no easy feat to go out to work for yourself.  It requires a lot of money and a lot of time so you really need to be sure that this is what you want to do.  You also want to make sure that the sacrifices you are making will be worth it.  He is really doing a great job at it too.  Having walked some of this journey with him initially his motivation was to have more time? But I asked is that why you should start a business.  At our recent catch up he said it was to make more money.  How much is enough money? What do you want the money for?  It was this conversation that started me thinking about what is my purpose is it about making more money or is it about making more memories.


Where are you Spending Time?

This is something I think about how should I spend my time and what really brings me joy.  My COVID experience has made this something I think about a lot more.

When you understand the things that bring you joy it is easier to allow life to pull you in certain directions.  It is easier to be open to seeing the serendipitous moments too.  I found myself being conscious about finding those moments you need to spend a little more time enjoying.


For me, it is small things that are often powerful;

  • An extra 5 minutes in bed in the morning enjoying an embrace from my husband.  It is the sense of safety, relaxation and pure love.  If I didn’t stop at that moment to take that in, to breathe in deeply I would miss it.  I realise how lucky I am, and I try to take time to be grateful for life’s greatest joys and without a sense of gratitude I could miss it.  I could easily get out of bed and get right in the busyness of the day.


  • The moment when I look out my window and know I have 3 incredible horses in my backyard.  This was a childhood dream that I didn’t think was possible.  When I go out in the paddock or look out my window it is about taking a mental picture and being present.


  • I love the mornings when my husband makes me poached eggs on toast.  They are the most incredible poached eggs and no one else can make them as well.  It is because every bit of them are done with love.  The eggs come freshly laid by my free-range chooks and my husband knows how to poach the perfect egg.  It is my favourite weekend breakfast along with the great coffee.  I look forward to these breakfasts and I simply just savour the simplicity and perfection of the meal.


  • It is when my horse will master a new skill or something we have worked on together seems to come together finally.  The time and hours put in it is those moments that provide me with elation.


  • Moments with my kids when there is laughter and when there is something new that they have mastered too.  I have loved watching them grow into amazing humans.


The Joy of Giving

If you have ever had the opportunity to give someone something or do something that has really helped them, changed their day, or their life, you understand how powerful that is for you.  There is something incredibly powerful in those moments where you can feel someones gratitude for making their life a little bit better.  I love those memories these are ones I put on replay when I need to feel good as they always make me smile.  I really love finding the perfect gift for someone.


Who do you want to be with?

Think about it: who would you rather spend your time with? Someone who is making money and spending all their free time doing so? Or someone who is making memories doing fun things with friends and family? Why do I ask this? Because in my experience, the people who are truly successful (and happy) have a balance between work and play. They don’t let work consume their whole lives. There are other things that matter to them besides making money. That’s not to say making more money can make you a lot happier than not having any money.  I think that financial freedom is very powerful and being able to live a comfortable lifestyle certainly makes me a lot happier than being homeless.


Making More Money

I came from a working-class background.  I know what it is like not to have money.  I spent many years of my life making more money working harder than anyone else so that my children wouldn’t know what it is like to go without.  I sacrificed a lot along the way and I still wonder whether it has been worth it all.  I spent my time making more money it didn’t bring me the happiness I thought I would.  I wanted to drive the fancy car, own my house and have fancy shoes.  I guess what I have learned through this process is more things don’t make you happy.  I have filled my life with having things and now I understand that people and places are what we remember on our deathbed, not the fancy things.  It certainly won’t be my expensive coffee making coming to my bedside when I am sick and need someone. 


Deathbed Moments

This is a profound question that was given to me by a young man who had too much life experience for someone his age.  He had such a great time at Leading Together that he described it as a “deathbed memory”.  I have started using this statement as my measuring stick and thinking is this a “deathbed memory” and I have started to realise it is the small things that are the most important.   Having lost too many precious people too young you realise that things you miss the most are the simple things, not the grand gesture moments.

When you think about those precious life moments that you reflect on in your final hours what do you think that are they going to be?  Making more money or making more memories.

5 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

5 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

Here are the top 5 ways to boost your emotional intelligence in order to find success. If you want to succeed in both your professional and personal life, there are a broad range of skills that can help.  However, the emerging research is emotional intelligence is the most important skill you need to develop. Your vision and fresh and creative ideas are critical aspects of success.  Leadership requires a number of human skills as well as technical skills for success. 

Increase Your Self-Awareness

Great leaders make themselves and their personal improvement a lifelong project. They actively seek out learning.  They also seek out people who will tell them the truth about how they come across to others.  In addition, tell them areas where they can make improvements. They look for organizations that will accommodate them or spend money on a coach who will provide them with honest feedback. Great leaders recognize that they are a work in progress and are always looking for ways to improve. 

Develop Your Listening Skills

Good leaders are always aware of how essential listening skills are for success. They recognize that everyone has the desire to be heard. Not only do you receive more crucial information when you develop your listening skills, but you are better able to connect with others by picking up meanings and messages through nonverbal cues. 

Show a Genuine Interest in Others

Not only do emotionally intelligent people learn the names of everyone that works at their company, but they also make it a point to find out as much about others as possible. They strive to find out what matters to them, whether it is their family, special interests, or hobbies. Showing a personal interest in those around you show others that they are valued as people, rather than just cogs in the machine. 

Develop Your Ability to Manage Emotions

Developing your ability to manage not only yours but others’ emotions is an important skill to have. Leaders that possess high emotional intelligence can process information and respond only after they’ve thought about the situation. Emotionally intelligent people can pick up the underlying feelings behind the words spoken.

Develop a Strong Sense of Appreciation

Great leaders, with high emotional intelligence, are always appreciative and aware that they have others to thank for them to where they are. One way you can develop more gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you are grateful for every day.  It helps to maintain a positive attitude and their motivation high throughout the day.

High emotional intelligence is an essential aspect of success. Incorporate these five tips into your life and you can help boost your emotional intelligence.

If you are interested in finding out more you can download our book emotional intelligence book


7 Strategies to Turn Failure into Success

7 Strategies to Turn Failure into Success

7 Strategies to Turn Failure into Success

Turning your failure into success is something that successful people do and yet failure hurts.

You may have read all the self-help books and the autobiographies of men like Abraham Lincoln who failed all their lives and finally succeeded.  It all seems so positive and feel good until you actually fail. One of Mike Tyson’s most famous quotes is, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” There’s just no denying that failure is a bitter pill to swallow.  It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, you’ll still feel that twinge of disappointment, shame, frustration or anger when your best attempts to succeed fail.  I have failed too many times to mention.  I try new things a lot and not all of them turn out great.  Some of them are just ugly hot sweaty messes that I would rather sweep under the carpet and not let anyone see them.

Usually, the most successful people, are not the ones who do not fail they are often the ones who are better at coping with failure. The reason for this is that they fail more than most people but they just never give up.  To be you and to innovate you will need to “fail your way to success”.  Or  simply “fail fast and fail forward”.

It also means that successful people do more, where someone else may quit the moment failure knocks on their door.  There are many ways to cope with failure but it still going to hurt when you fail.

Sometimes it may feel like the only thing you ever learn from a failure is that you failed.  While this is not true, it certainly may seem that way in the moment.  We are all human with egos and no one likes to fail, you feel like you have wasted your time or money.  In a social media world we like to portray that everything is perfect.  It is simply not true.   You could have worked hard and have a business venture that collapsed.  Or maybe your relationship with your spouse crumbles and is beyond repair.  Maybe your health takes a turn for the worse despite living a healthy lifestyle.  All these are events.

Understanding this, is the key point that makes all the difference, failure is an event, not a person.  Like they say, never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart. It will hurt, and chances are you will need to grieve for what you have lost.  Even if it is for the future you imagined.  Everyone, shares this experience we all fail!

Watch a baby trying to walk.  If they had an ego or were worried about what someone might think they would fall down once in front of everyone and not get back up.  But it is their failures that teach them how to walk.  They experiment.

In life you will fail and there will be disappointment, but when you learn to embrace failure as a learning experience like a toddler you can use this experience to move forward.  Success is not final and failure is not fatal.  As long as you’re breathing you still can turn your failures into successes.

Here are the 7 secrets that successful people use failure into success

Different people do it differently but, they understand failure is always temporary.  Failure is not the opposite of success.  It is part of success.  Now let’s look at how you can cope with it when it comes your way… and you can rest assured that it will. So be prepared.

Don’t take it personally

The blame game. This is the biggest mistake that most people make. They blame themselves when things go wrong. Or they blame other people. When you do not separate a failure from you, then your self-esteem will drop and you’ll be much more tempted to quit. Don’t look for the who, look for the why or how so you can learn.  If you are quick to blame others they often don’t want to help to be part of the solution either.

People quit on their dreams because they don’t believe that they’re capable of achieving what their hearts desire.  They feel that it’s too hard and the reason they feel that way is because they may have failed. For example, when someone is trying to lose weight and watching their diet closely, there will be times when they give in to temptation and eat something they shouldn’t. When this happens, they feel guilt and regret that they failed at maintaining their diet.

What do they do then? They toss their diet aside and gorge themselves on food that they’re not supposed to. They believe that they lack the self-discipline to stay focused and lose weight… Just because of one temporary lapse in judgment. This is ridiculous and it’s like accidentally dropping your mobile phone once only to pick it up and keep smashing it on the ground over and over because of one accident. It doesn’t make sense… and yet people act in a similar way.

When you fail at something, whether it’s a blog or your marriage, do not assume that you’re useless and just throw in the towel.  What defines you is how well you rise after falling.  So the most important point to note is that you should not let failure define you as a person. Always know that you can do better.

Learn From Your Mistakes – Failure is Simply Feedback

All the most successful people have learned from their mistakes and try not to repeat them. Failure can also be treated as feedback.  If some aspect of your business, job or relationship fails, ask yourself why this happened.  My husband has a beautiful saying you can stay married or you can be right you cant be both.  Someone has to be vulnerable in a relationship, better if it is shared and you learn to compromise.

If your new dream was a product and the launch was a flop, there must be a reason why. Was your niche unprofitable? Did the sales page convert poorly? Not the right marketing or could be the wrong audience.   Ever been fired from a job?  I have, I learned fast and hard from that experience.  I understood the impact of no sleep and chaos at home, I simply couldn’t function properly.  They had every right to fire me.

Analysis is very important so that you do not repeat the same errors.  This is the only way to make progress and succeed.  Michael Eisner, the Chairman and CEO of the Disney Corporation said, “Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit.”

The only way to prevent failure from becoming a habit is to take stock of your situation, learn from your mistakes and adapt.  If you can see it as a learning experience.  The question I ask myself is “what is the universe trying to teach me?” If I end up in a similar situation I add the second piece “hurry-up and learn the lesson because what you learned the last time was the wrong lesson look again”

I try to maintain a certain degree of detachment so that it is a lesson not a personal affront.  The “why me?” question doesn’t help.  Sometimes it is a good idea to take a break for a short while and come back to it when you’re feeling better.

Stop Dwelling On Your Failures

You may have noticed that all some people can talk about is how life has treated them so badly.  No matter what they do, they fail at it due to bad luck or unforeseen circumstances. We have all seen people are who are comfortable in the space where they are the constant victim. Life happens to them.  They appear to have no control.  When bad things happen they loose all sense of coping too.  Do not dwell on your failures.  Where as some people go through the most tragic circumstances and achieve something remarkable from it.  It is their post traumatic growth.

Analyze them and move on. You have better things in store for you. Missed out on an opportunity? No worries. Better ones are coming your way. Product launch flopped? That’s ok the next one will sell thousands. Picked the wrong niche to monetize? No big deal. You now know how to find niches with people waiting to buy stuff. Problem solved.

It is inevitable to lose time, effort and money when something fails. If you keep focusing on what is lost, you’ll never be able to focus on what you can gain and there is so much more out there for you.
Focus on the positive and bury your failures.

Model Others

There’s a saying that you should always learn from the mistakes of others because you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself.  If you want to achieve something find people who have already done and it and seek some wisdom.  I will not ask marriage advice from someone who has been divorced 3 times.  But I will when I see a couple who have been married for 50 years.  I can guarantee that they have learned a lot along the way and not all it was easy.

If you want to learn a new skill or a new business venture watch the people who are already doing it, take a lesson or get some coaching.  Find a way to get to know others in the field who have already failed and succeeded.  Be a beginner and seek help.

There are costs

One of the biggest concerns to building a dream is the loss of money.  Creating a business or a goal costs time and money.  Sometimes we need to trade off one or the other often both.  If you don’t have the time what can you outsource and pay someone to do?  Is it someone to clean the house, or walk the dog,  so you can focus on marketing your new side hustle?  Is it getting the expertise you need to coach you through.  Or can you put the time into to learn new skills.  Chasing dreams costs time and money and you need to understand that there is a sacrifice.  Whether that is to your family time when you are putting together budgets and business plans. Or simply needing money to create cashflow for your new venture.

Creating a product costs money. Testing out ads costs money. Outsourcing costs money. There is no getting away from this. In fact, to run any business you need money. It’s like oxygen for your business and without it, your business will shrivel up and die. So, it’s crucial that you have a source of income coming in to tide you over if any online endeavor fails.

When the business fails and the bills start piling up you just may need to get another job to get back on your feet. Do not feel like you have failed and are doomed to a life of ‘working for the man.’ This is just a temporary setback and like Joel Osteen, always says, “A setback is a set up for a comeback.”

Go ahead and take that job. It will feel like retrogression but you must understand that even a tiger crouches before it leaps. Once you have money coming in, the pressure that your finances are causing you will ease.  That’s really how it is. Sometimes you just don’t have a choice.

Do not throw your efforts down the drain and quit just because you failed a couple of times. As long as you keep learning and doing, success is inevitable.

Release the Need for Approval from Others

I have seen this fear literally stop people from even trying to do things that they love as they are worried about what others might think.   This can destroy your dreams and what you were put on this earth to do if you let it.  It is a common fear and makes failure seem much worse than it really is.  People often worry what others will think or say about them when they fail.  It’s definitely true that you’ll have friends and family members who will tell you, “I told you so!” when you fail.  Some of them may even take pleasure in it. This is human nature. It could even be your spouse or parents who don’t support your dreams.

When you fail and see their disapproving looks or hear their sarcastic words, it can seem worse.The truth of the matter is that you only have one life to live and you need to live it for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others say or think about you. Just because others think you’re dumb for failing doesn’t mean that you’re really foolish.

How people see you should have zero impact on how you see yourself. Have faith in yourself and don’t pay heed to the naysayers.

Take a Break

Time heals all wounds. Sometimes when failure really gets to you, it may be time to take a break and put some space between you and your dreams. This will help to clear your mind so that you can think objectively. While taking a break, you can self-reflect and think about your future plans. You may decide to have backup plans to correct any future failures or problems that may crop up.

Take the time to exercise. Research has shown that hard training like boxing, Crossfit, sprinting, etc. help people to release pent up frustration and anger.  Go for walk, spend time outside and ground yourself.  This can be therapeutic when coping with failure.  Instead of numbing your emotions, with alcohol, food or something else.  Exercise and therapy can help. Do what suits you best.

What is most important is that you not let failure make you quit. That is the most common consequence of failure. People fail a few times and they quit. If you read the story of Colonel Sanders, you’d realise that he was turned down 1,009 times before he finally found someone who would use his recipe. Walt Disney was turned down over 300 times before he received financing for Disney World.  Your dream could be one more attempt away.

Blake Davies

Blake Davies

Blake Davies Live With The Leadership Whisperer

Blake Davies is a strong digital marketer who has some incredible leadership skills. He leads others from a place of authenticity and as such quickly builds trust with those around him, leading with empathy, humour and great insights.

He is a unique individual who is very personable, and also able to understand technical platforms.  Which make him a great asset for building business and relationships.  His experience in building business success across hospitality & tourism, non-profit, health, property and digital marketing.

Blake’s insight into what is leadership?

Leadership is about peing brave and pushing through and building people up.

Listen to this episode to find out more about what Blake thinks about leadership.

In this podcasts he talks influences for him, empathy and the importance of connections.  Really inspirational leader.

Blake’s recommended reading list 

  1. The 4-hour Work Week by Timonthy Ferris
  2. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  3. Essentialism, by Greg McKeown

Listen to other podcasts 

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Blake Davies
The Leadership Whisperer Podcast
Blake Davies



5 Minute Guide to Emotional Intelligence

5 Minute Guide to Emotional Intelligence

When it comes to finding success, most people believe that the higher your IQ, the more success you’ll enjoy in life. However, this isn’t always the case. In the last decade, the topic of emotional intelligence has gained popularity and been shown to be a better predictor of success. Fortunately, unlike IQ, emotional intelligence, or EQ can be learned and developed.

Emotional intelligence is your ability to be aware of, control, and express your emotions and to effectively handle interpersonal relationships with empathy. There are two kinds of emotional intelligence: interpersonal and intrapersonal. Interpersonal emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, acknowledge, and regulate the emotions of others.  Intrapersonal emotional intelligence is about your ability to understand, accept, and control your own feelings, motivations, and fear. 

Benefits of Having a High Level of Emotional Intelligence

Having high emotional intelligence is not only necessary for success but plays an incredibly important role in your overall happiness in life. There are a variety of benefits that are associated with having a high level of emotional intelligence and improving your emotional intelligence can help you to navigate better the social complexities you face throughout both your personal and professional life. Here are some of the indispensable benefits that you can gain by having a high level of emotional intelligence.

Success in Your Career

Being successful in your career has a lot to do with effectively dealing with other people. In fact, recent studies showed that 75 percent of jobs are derailed for reasons that are related to emotional competencies. This includes your inability to handle interpersonal issues, an unsatisfactory team leadership during times of conflict and difficulty, and the failure to change or adapt to changing circumstances, among others. When you have a high level of emotional intelligence, you will find that you thrive in the following areas:

success in your career

Success in your career

·      Managing a team

·      Leading a team

·      Working in a team

·      Selling or marketing

·      Providing customer support

·      Negotiating a deal

·      Connecting with professionals


When companies are filled with high emotionally intelligent workers, not only does it contribute to the overall success of the company, but it also creates a better work environment, which helps the employees remain happy with their job. Whist your employees are happy, your customers are more likely to stay happy as well. 

 Able to Build Better Relationships

building better relationships

Building better relationships with emotional intelligence

One of the most common reasons why most relationships end up failing is because of low emotional intelligence. As Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” People that have a low level of emotional intelligence, often find it challenging to manage their emotions and understand others. 

Building a relationship is a two-way street, which means that you need to work on raising your emotional intelligence, while also finding someone who also has high emotional intelligence. When two people with high emotional intelligence are compatible, the relationship tends to work out much better.

Improved Personal Development

Among all of the relationships that you have in your life, the one that you have with yourself is the best relationship. If you have a toxic relationship with yourself, you can’t hope to have a healthy relationship with others. Emotional intelligence helps you to understand and manage your emotions. The more that you can understand yourself, the more you can recognize the differences in others. This will help you to understand others better and meet them where they are. 

So, before you can go on to help others, you have to start helping yourself. However, you need to remember that you can’t be selfish or self-absorbed, which will cause you to become indifferent to others. There is a delicate balance between putting yourself and your health first, and not making everything about you. Fortunately, improving your emotional intelligence can help to draw a line between the two.

More Confidence and Happiness

When you can effectively monitor unpleasant feelings, you can take more action to feel happy, confident, and calm. Too often, we depend on outside influences to bring us joy, confidence, and peace. While you always want to celebrate the positive events, if you continue to rely on them for your happiness, you’ll find yourself sad, depressed, angry, upset, and more in your default state. 

Having high emotional intelligence means that you can switch from this default state because you are able to regulate your emotions effectively. Through mindfulness, and taking the right actions, you can ultimately become more focused, happy, confident, relaxed, and enthusiastic in your life. 

The Components of Emotional Intelligence

Psychologist and best-selling author of the book: Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, Daniel Goleman, has suggested that five components are critical to emotional intelligence. The more that you can manage each of these five components in your life, the higher level of emotional intelligence you can expect to have.


Component #1 – Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is your ability to recognize, as well as understand your emotions, skills, and motivations. Another important aspect of self-awareness is understanding how your emotions affect those around you. To achieve self-awareness, you need to learn how to monitor your emotional state and identify your feelings. Traits that prove a person is emotionally intelligent to include the ability to laugh at your mistakes, confidence, and the awareness of how others perceive you.

Component #2 – Self-Regulation

Being able to self-regulate, when it comes to emotional intelligence, is your ability to control your impulses, the ability to think before you speak or react, and the ability to express yourself appropriately. In other words, it’s the emotional maturity that allows you to take responsibility for your actions, as well as being able to adapt to change and respond to other’s emotions appropriately.


Component #3 – Motivation

Motivation is having an interest in learning and improving yourself. This component of emotional intelligence is about having the strength to keep going when encounter obstacles in your life and setting goals and sticking to them. An emotionally mature individual in this category has traits like having initiative and being able to commit to the completion of a task, as well as having the perseverance to continue on in the face of adversity. 


Component #4 – Empathy

Having empathy means that you understand other people’s emotions and reactions. You can only achieve empathy for others if you’ve achieved self-awareness. Before you can understand others, you have to be able to understand yourself and your emotions. Those who have emotional maturity in the category of empathy possess traits like being interested in other’s worries and concerns, being able to anticipate someone’s emotional response to an issue, and the understanding of societal norms and why people act the way they do.


Component #5 – Social Skills

Social skills are your ability to pick up on sarcasm, jokes, customer service, finding common ground with others, and the ability to maintain relationships. It is defined as someone who has excellent communication skills, good time management skills, the ability to resolve difficult situations or conflicts using persuasion, and the ability to be a leader.

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Like any other skill that you want to develop, improving your emotional intelligence will take both time and practice. To start with, you have to develop a growth mindset and believe that you can improve your emotional intelligence no matter where you’re starting. You also have to think that there is no limit to how much you can improve your EQ. Here are some of the best ways that you can improve your emotional intelligence. 

Know Yourself and Others

There are a lot of theories out there on personality traits, but the “Big 5” personality traits have been wildly researched and talked about. The five traits include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness. When you can come to understand your personality traits, it can become much more comfortable to accept or change who you are, while becoming more understanding and accommodating to the behavior of others. 

Define Your Values and Beliefs

limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs

While we all have similar basic needs, we all want different things in life and hold different beliefs and values. The worst thing you can do is chase others desires or copy their beliefs and not staying true to your values. To overcome this and improve your emotional intelligence, you need to take the time to set your beliefs, values, and goals. Once you’ve chosen your values, you need to define each one in your own words with as much detail as possible. The clearer your definition, the higher the chances that you’ll stick with your values and direct your energy toward them.  


Listen to Yourself

Whether you realize it or not, your body and mind are continually giving you signs, but it’s not easy to notice them when you’re living on autopilot. Many times, we experience what is known as Amygdala Hijack. The amygdala is an area in the brain that is responsible for processing emotions. When it is hijacked, your pre-frontal cortex gets shut off, and the amygdala region of the brain activates your fear, putting you into the fight-or-flight response. While this phenomenon helped us to survive in the past, it often gets us into trouble today. The best way to combat this is to practice mindfulness.

Visit the Past to Create the Future

Since your childhood, you’ve been exposed to millions of different concepts that set the foundation of your subconscious mind. Your past holds a lot of insight into why you do what you do. Looking back at your past can help you to understand the underlying reason for your values, desires, thought patterns, preferences, and emotional reactions. Start by asking questions and resetting your mind and exploring the possibilities of what you can let go and who you can ultimately become. When you can develop a better understanding of your past, you become free to create a better future and navigate the world with confidence.

Learn to Handle Emotions Appropriately

If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, you need to begin to understand a wide range of emotions and how to handle them. The benefits of building your emotional granularity are immense including being 30 percent more flexible when regulating your emotions, being less likely to explode in anger when someone hurts you and handling fear and anxiety in a better way, among others. 

Learn to Listen to Others

Learning to listen

Learning to listen to others

You have to approach everything with a beginner’s mind and treat every opportunity to look at things from a different perspective. The more perspectives that you can collect, the more you will start to realize how small your viewpoint really is. If you want to expand your perception and knowledge, you have to learn how to observe and listen. You can also work on getting honest feedback from others on how they perceive you. The insights that you receive about yourself will change your life.

Learn to Communicate Better

There are two types of communication, verbal and non-verbal. When it comes to verbal communication, learn how to listen to others rather than thinking about what you’re going to say next. You can also try to make people feel safe by showing kindness. To improve your verbal communication skills, you can’t be afraid to share yourself with others, and you have to explain things simply so that others will want to listen to you. 

To improve your non-verbal communication skills, you will need to learn how to use eye-contact appropriately, uses gestures and expressions in your communication, and read people by paying attention to the body language and expressions of others.


You can’t expect for people, including yourself, to be intelligent all the time. We all make mistakes, and one of the humblest things that you can do as a person with high levels of emotional intelligence is to accept mistakes. When it comes to improving your emotional intelligence, you want to make sure that when you meet people who lack EQ, you can lead by example and hope for the best for them. None of us are born with high emotional intelligence, but rather, it is something that we have to learn how to develop throughout our life. With this simple 5-minute guide on emotional intelligence, you can get a start on the path to improving your EQ and finding happiness and success in your life.





How To Develop Emotional Intelligence: A Step-By-Step Guide To Developing Self-Awareness, Improving Your People Skills, and Creating Happier Relationships

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