The success and failure of the societies and organisations are in the hands of their leaders. How they lead and manage is what makes the fundamental difference. The more charismatic, the more visionary, and the more enthusiastic they are, the greater their influence. A charismatic visionary leader has the ability to create a movement, transform an organisation, and even rewrite history. When I think of a charismatic and visionary leader several springs to mind: Martin Luther King, Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, and Mother Theresa. You can see from this list charisma and vision are not related to the purpose. Leaders and leadership styles are pivotal to the success of any business. Even an entire countries fate can be determined by its leaders’ charisma, vision, and ethics.
A leader’s style is the greatest way to influence those around them. With an inspiring vision and motivation, anything is possible. Look at the impact of a teenage girl in Sweden, Greta Thunberg. Her vision and purpose are clear calling on others to take action on climate change she is leading towards a shared purpose. Leadership is not defined by where you are in an organisation but your charisma, vision, and purpose will define leadership. Among the many great leaders in the world, those who are successful are because of their vision, passion for the work, and creativeness in their ideas. Charisma and vision also need motivation and enthusiasm. We all know some leaders who because they thought differently were criticised. Innovation and motivation to change require a commitment to the vision. A change manager, leader, requires resilience to be able to weather the criticism for innovative thinking. It is only their motivation and drive that can change directions. A charismatic leader that has a strategic plan for the organization’s success, and is passionate about his vision is a powerful force. The strategy will keep everyone else focused on the vision in the organisation. This strategy is what makes the charismatic leaders’ vision a reality for others to understand and engage. It allows others to have an additional source of motivation and performance measurement. Great charismatic leaders are excited and motivated by their vision, so much so that they have the ability to inspire others. Even in the tough and challenging times where others will have given up.
Purpose, Passion, and Vision
Great leaders can be made. there are lots of opportunities available for people and organisations who want to focus on their leadership capabilities. Values and emotional intelligence must be where you start to ensure your purpose and values are aligned. If you want your staff to remain you need to ensure your leadership team is ready for the work not just on the organisation but also on themselves. The key to great leadership is simple, find your purpose, passion, and vision and you will and can change the world.
Working with my horses improves my own personal wellness. I have known for a while that horses have something very magical to offer. I often feel so much better after spending time with my horses. It is hard to articulate the magic. I can be tired, sick or just blah, and after spending time with my horses I have more energy and I am so much happier. Even my patient and adoring husband will send me down to ride if I am getting a little grumpy. When I was recently reading an article talking about the power and efficacy of equine assisted therapy. I realised there is a growing body of evidence and science behind it. It’s not just me! Horses have unique traits that mean that they are perfect choice for animal assisted therapies.
Working on trust, learning to trust a horse might be the first step in healing trauma. It is powerful and restorative especially for those who trusting others is an issue.
Mindfulnessis probably the biggest shift because horses are very sensitive they will easily reflect feelings and people often experience is as a biofeedback loop. Making it easier to understand their own emotional state.
When in a non-competitive, non-judgemental environment learning new skills and new challenges horses will assist with improving self-esteem and Leadership.
Behavioural modification or self-regulation because in order to communicate with a horse you need to find your calm nonreactive state.
Experiencing challenges with horses empowers individuals and creates self-motivation and positive experiences.
Relationship Management where the experience of developing acceptance and communication with a horse where you need to actively listen to them. Once they feel seen and heard they will respond. The basis of healthy relationships. Learning how to influence others.
Learning to communicateacross language (and species) barriers especially with something as large as a horse, promotes intuition. Improves all your nonverbal communication and understanding of how much you can communicate with intent and body language.
Team work and social skills in a group dynamic leadership and team work are critical pieces.
Intention and personal assertivenessalongside our own boundaries.
I have seen firsthand anxietyreduction, and decrease in depressionand isolation, horses don’t judge and unconditional acceptance.
These are all incredible life skills and skills that are being well researched in the equine assisted learning fields. I have known that these animals were amazing and magical but I continue to learn.
Therapeutic Value
Their therapeutic value is so undervalued. Trauma therapists are starting to realise their value too. As talking therapy in trauma related counselling can get someone to experience their trauma. This can slow down healing process. Some are turning to animal assisted therapies to use nonverbal experiences to process and externalise. This then allows individuals to move through to healing. Horses have been used to help anxiety, depression, ADHD, conduct disorders, addiction, dementia, returning veterans, PTSD, and other mental health difficulties. Even used for physical therapies.
I obviously realise my horses are magical, but it is more than magic there is science. The real magic happens when you understand how to read a horse and what they are trying to communicate with you, your world shifts. You feel more connected and get a greater insight into yourself. Having managed people for over 20 years I really appreciate how important these life skills are. Horses can transfer these skills to people and we are now just starting to figure this out. All of these life skills are part of my emotional intelligence and leadership sessions (not just therapy) so it makes sense that we should learn to be a better person from a horse.
In just one session developing the confidence to lead…
I was lucky enough to catch up with a group of leaders who did my “emotional intelligence workshop” with horses and asked for feedback. Their reflections where more powerful than I could have imagined. Most importantly they reflecting on developing their confidence to lead effectively. These are their own personal insights and what they learnt.
These were their reflections more than a month after they did just one session.
I realised that I am always jumping in and being first. This didn’t allow me any additional time to observation to learn. In trying to understand how to get it right and be the best at it that I didn’t try and be as present. My focus was on getting it right. I have been practising patience and not rushing everything.
It was understanding the vulnerability of a close connection and being present with myself. I learnt how to be more self-aware of being present in the room.
left feeling focused and happy, with purpose and lowered the anxiety and the feeling has lasted
This made me think about how to influence the other decision makers so they get what’s going on.
Thoroughly enjoyed the session. I had so much energy for days after the session it was so inspiring.
Powerful and relatable, giving you the know how to deal with other people and your team
My confidence improved as a leader, I have done lots of thinking about the session afterwards and still got more days later because it influences how you lead.
Love it so much there were practical tips on what to do. I could use straight away. Being present and how you are feeling in the moment. Made me understand how to relate your behaviours to moods.
Highly recommend it. It gave me confidence – about being present and shifting my emotions. I was able to apply the experience immediately and improved confidence
It’s a bio-feedback mechanism with a horse about your self-efficacy. My learning from the session was I understood how to be up with intensity but with clear direction and focus.
I started with a fear of failure and feeling competitive. My ego meant I didn’t want to be the person who couldn’t do it. It was a new and different experience, I don’t have anything to do with horses so was intimidated and scared. I felt vulnerable and way outside my comfort zone. The connection I got was sorefreshing and a great way to build a shared experience. It was a completely new context to make the unconscious thoughts into a competence.
It was feeling like a pressurised situation where you go to a feeling of threat and try to make it about me. But then learning how to make it not about me and about being in control. The experience connected a lot of dots and good personal values. Its things we should be working on every day and when you have mastered it in one situation doesn’t mean you have it secure.
It is an effective coaching and leadership tool. It improved my relationship with my daughter. I become more self-aware of my behaviour towards her. I have been making a conscious effect and our relationship has changed.
Insights and Changes in Emotional Intelligence
My insights where that everyone got something different out of the session and it all related back to improving their emotional intelligence. The really interesting part was they could translate and put into action immediately. It was about understanding that everyone has something different that they see and feel. But it all relates back to the 5 key elements; Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social skills.