Impacts of Excessive Stress on Leadership

Impacts of Excessive Stress on Leadership

The impacts of excessive stress affect your ability to lead and also your team’s performance.  As a leader, it’s natural to experience a certain level of stress when managing a team. However, there’s a fine line between healthy stress and stressful leadership. When leaders become excessively stressed and create a culture of stress within their team, it can negatively impact the team’s performance and productivity. 

Everyone at some point has worked under a manager who handles stress poorly.  They respond by “kicking the cat”.  The “kicking the cat” analogy refers to the effect of emotional contagion. Anger and anxiety pass from senior management to subordinates, from the powerful to the weak, and eventually to the bottom, the most vulnerable, who have no place to vent their anger and who then become the ultimate victims. 

The impact of stressful leadership on team performance can be felt in so many different ways but none of them are helpful. 

High-stress levels among leaders can lead to several negative consequences for their team members not just emotional contagion and mental health concerns but reduce the capacity and capability of the team. Below are a few ways in which stressful leadership might impact team performance:

  • Reduced Productivity

    Leaders who constantly exhibit stressful behaviors may cause their team members to lose trust in their abilities. This lack of trust can then lead to reduced productivity and reduced morale.  When you are in these team environments you see symptoms like the blame game, gossiping, and presenteeism.  Without faith or confidence in leadership, staff will be unable to perform at their best. If the leadership is not demonstrating confidence in the vision and decisions staff themselves become unsure. Staff really struggle to be their best if they feel that leaders themselves are struggling to perform.  
  • Decreased Creativity

    Teams that operate under high-stress environments may not be as receptive to new ideas and may lack creativity. Stressful leaders may inadvertently stifle creativity by not allowing their team members to think outside the box.
  • Higher Turnover

    Stressful work environments may eventually cause some team members to become burned out. This would ultimately lead to them leaving the team and even the company. High turnover can lead to lost revenue, decreased productivity, and increased employee recruitment costs.  Even staff who stay in this environment generally won’t be the high performers.  It is the staff who can fly under the radar and simply turn up.  

Tips for Reducing Stressful Leadership

It’s important to recognize the signs of stressful leadership and work to reduce it. Here are a few tips for reducing stressful environments for your team:

  • Create transparency

    Leaders should be transparent about the effects their actions might cause on their team. Open communication helps to create a positive work environment.  Owning mistakes and using this space to create learning moments can not only create transparency but also provide ways to relieve some stressful moments.  
  • Encourage team bonding

    Encourage your team to bond and create connections through events and team-building activities.  Fun can relieve stress and shared stories.  Connection and trust are essential ingredients for high-performing teams.  Team bonding is more than just one event it is essential that this is a learned skill and one that is continued to enhance culture. 
  • Support autonomy and creativity

    Giving team members the autonomy to make their decisions can increase creativity and lead to greater productivity.  True leadership is about empowering staff to work independently and allowing them opportunities to make their own decisions and mistakes.  
  • Celebrate the team’s work

    Recognizing and celebrating the team’s accomplishments can create a positive work environment and increase team morale.


In conclusion, it’s necessary for leaders to be mindful of how their leadership styles can influence their entire team’s dynamics. Creating an environment that is less stressful and more open can help increase the team’s performance and productivity.

The Growth is on the Edges

The Growth is on the Edges

Fear. Anxiety. Dry mouth. Reactive. Upset in the pit of your stomach. Worry. Heart racing. What if… Emotional. Exhausted. As I sit and reflect on the reactions of my mind and body during periods of personal growth they are all very uncomfortable states. I keep telling myself it’s where the magic happens. It is pushing through the discomfort. The growth is on the edges.


I have personally been in a zone of discomfort for some time now. And thinking, why do I continue to do this to myself?



My current story for context is I have recently packed up my entire life and moved interstate, leaving behind a well-established network, family and friends. Whilst I realise I am not the first person to do this I didn’t fully appreciate how difficult it would be.


Finding myself without a vet for my horses almost tipped me over the edge when Peggy got an abscess and was in extreme discomfort. I just wanted someone with a degree to look at my horse and tell me it was going to be ok. Instead, I sat sobbing in my paddock face buried in my hands sitting in the dirt beside my horse. After trying unsuccessfully to get three different vets out to look at my horse, I felt defeated and my head was filled with negative thoughts.


It wasn’t just that moment but lots of smaller hard moments too. There are many time-consuming tasks in finding a dentist, doctor, hairdresser, mechanic, and most importantly a good barrister. People that you need to trust to give you good advice and support. Your network and community. These take time to build and I am trying to do it all whilst taking on a new all consuming job.


These simple things are things we take for granted and don’t use our conscious thinking, they become our routine, like finding the best route to work in the morning. What I have realised that all these tasks become mentally exhausting until we build new mental pathways in our brains.


Now, as I sit facing another day with a daunting to-do list. I am reminding myself it’s in the discomfort that we experience growth. Our personal growth happens on the edges. I know this fact to be true.


It is going through and surviving some of the darkest moments in my life that I have realised what I am really capable of.


As I reflect on all those who I have helped going through extraordinary circumstances, this is the common thread. It’s about understanding that feeling of discomfort is ok. Sometimes it’s great!

Controlling our environment


I am not sure why we have been trained to believe that we think life should be easy and we should always be happy. It’s not real life. Our curated world on social media shows us the highlight reels of everyone else’s existence. The advertising and marketing messages we are served up are clear if you have “this product or service” you will be happy and all your problems will be solved. You should be comfortable. And what happens to all of us after hearing and believing these messages constantly is that we move away from any level of discomfort at any cost. We control our environment to the point that we don’t experience discomfort. We live in air conditioning, don’t get wet, don’t get dirty, and somehow everything around us need to be perfect and controlled. Why? And how did we get here?


Feeling positive emotions all the time. It’s simply not true, nor is it possible. It’s actually unhealthy.


So, my revolution and evolution came when I started changing how I thought about that anxious and fearful feeling. It matters. Because being scared and uncomfortable is where you learn and where the magic happens.


Personal growth happens on the edges, it often happens when we step outside of our comfort zones and face situations that make us uncomfortable. When we are uncomfortable, we are often forced to confront our fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, which are the catalyst for personal growth.


Find ways to challenge yourself:


I have found when I step into the space to do things that I am not comfortable with, I find new experiences and learning opportunities. You learn new things about yourself.


Overcoming obstacles:


This is the best way to build resilience. No book or course is going to give you better skills than when you face obstacles and challenges that make you uncomfortable. Learning problem-solving skills and patience is developed through practice. So the best the best possible way to develop your problem-solving skills is through overcoming obstacles.


Learning from mistakes:


When you make mistakes or fail, it can be uncomfortable.  Let’s be honest no one likes making mistakes but it can also provide invaluable learning experiences that help us grow and improve. The quickest way to learn and improve is through mistakes, embrace them.


Developing new perspectives:


Understanding others happens when you step out of your comfort zones.  Have you ever gone to another country and experienced a different culture or a different lifestyle? It is where you can gain new perspectives and insights, compassion and understanding come through a new perspective.  This helps us to grow and develop as individuals.


Building confidence:


When we face our fears and overcome challenges, we can develop confidence in ourselves and our abilities, which can help us grow and achieve our goals.


It’s important to remember that personal growth can be uncomfortable at times, but it’s also a necessary part of life. By embracing discomfort and facing our fears, anything is possible.



Dani Lombard

Dani Lombard

Dani Lombard talks live with Leadership Whisperer

Dani Lombard,  is an amazing leader.  This Leadership Whisperer Podcast episode was fun and a little embarrassing for me, Dani has put the challenge out of her interviewing me. So stay tuned for the next episode.

Dani is full of insights and very different from some of our previous guests. If you are interested in understanding what it takes to be an entrepreneur and still smile at the end of the day this is one episode you are not going to want to miss. She is an international PR veteran with over 20 years of experience in running campaigns and making brands shine.

Dani is an incredible entrepreneur, starting her own PR agency Dani Lombard Public Relations when she was just 28.  Since then, her company merged with a Melbourne agency, taking on the same name – Soda Communications.

Running her own agency, she has learned a lot about running a business and motivating teams.


What is Dani’s insight into what is leadership?

Good leaders care.
Leadership is hard to describe but you know when see it and you feel it when you are around a good leader.  Behaving and acting in way that inspires the people around you to be better. In addition it is some one who is good at creating a strong community.

You will want to listen to this episode to find out more about what Dani thinks about leadership.  Shares her personal stories about meeting Richard Branson. She shares her vulnerability in talking about managing people and the reality of how hard it actually is, and it is an ongoing challenge.

What it is like to be a woman in leadership and the trap of falling into feeling like you need to appear powerful adopting those masculine traits.

In this interview, she also talks about not taking yourself too seriously.

Dani’s recommended reading list 

  1. Culture Fix , How to create a great place to work, by Colin D Ellis
  2. Cult Status, by Tim Duggan
  3. Anything by Brene Brown


Listen to other Podcasts 


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The Leadership Whisperer Podcast
Dani Lombard



Peter Griffith

Peter Griffith

Peter Griffith talks live with Leadership Whisperer

Peter Griffith is an exceptional leader and mentor.  He is a brilliant facilitator and has an impressive background in strategy, leadership and coaching. For almost 20 years he has specialized in unlocking the winning potential of organizations and individuals, particularly in customer experience, sales and service, and leader-led culture change.

He is a brilliant facilitator and incredibly generous with his time and expertise.  He has an impressive background in strategy. leadership and coaching.  His insights and experience are always motivating and inspiring.  As a leadership coach he has the perfect balance of helping you extract you

Peter’s insight into what is leadership?

Leadership is about finding good answers to tough questions.  If you can crystalize the problem by asking the right questions you can find the solutions.


Listen to this episode to find out more about what Peter thinks about leadership.

In this podcasts he talks a little about The Grey Scale ​Most leaders have darker, less desirable aspects of their personality which, left unknown and unchecked, have the potential to derail them.  The GreyScale Test ™ examines dark personality traits that contribute to highly effective leadership or pose a risk.

Peter’s recommended reading list 

  1. HRB’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership
  2. Snakes in Suits, When Psychopaths Go to Work, by Paul PhD. Babiak , Robert PhD. Hare
  3. Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power, by Stuart Wilde


Listen to other Podcasts 


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Peter Griffith
The Leadership Whisperer Podcast
Peter Griffith



Interview We Heart Entrepreneurs

Interview We Heart Entrepreneurs

Article as it appeared in We Heart Entrepreneurs.

interview Jannine Jackson founder leading together

Leading Together is a perfect place for growing people and organisations. This is because; at Learning Together you will be guided to find your authentic leadership style. Interestingly they use horses for their workshops and learning is based on emotional intelligence. Recently we interviewed the founder of Leading Together, Jannine Jackson about her journey.

Her ideas are inspiring and motivational. As a female entrepreneur, she shared about the challenges she faced in her entrepreneur journey together with advice to emerging entrepreneurs. Read our interview with Jannine Jackson to find out how she has been successful!

1. Hello! Can you please tell us about yourself?

I am a woman who has many roles as a CEO, an entrepreneur, a professional fundraiser, a mother, a leadership coach, an equine-assisted learning facilitator, and a horse trainer.

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to find a way to help people and somehow make the world a better place.   As a child and young adult, I experienced a lot of personal trauma.  I was bullied as a child.  I didn’t have a stable family upbringing and then in my late teens, I experienced intense grief and loss, losing way too many family members in a very short period of time.  These events helped me in developing an understanding of the importance of compassion.  Everyone has a story and everyone has some trauma that they carry which has shaped the way they look at the world.

For the last 20 years, I have been living my purpose by working in across a number of leadership roles in the non-profit sector to change lives.  I have been a highly successful change agent growing organisations, often in areas that others thought were too hard. I have won international awards, dined with royalty and Prime Ministers but nothing beats those profound moments where a simple act of kindness can literally save a young life.

I guess on the other side of the coin I have also seen the worst that humankind can offer. The devastation and ripple effect that trauma can cause is also something that intrinsically motivates me.  During my working career, I have also seen extremely toxic workplaces, experienced sexual harassment. I understand the lasting damage that workplace bullying can do, I have seen it cause suicidal thoughts, lead to physical manifestations, and ongoing severe mental health problems.

These moments have really crystalized what type of leader I am and how I try to influence others to lead.  It is critical to have business acumen holding people accountable for performance and success but we need to see the people working with us not as commodities that are all replaceable but as incredibly valuable human beings.  I believe that everyone is trying to be their best with what they have been given.  It’s simply a matter of uncovering their purpose and finding tools and skills to help them shine.

So in the last 10 years, I started to bring horses into my life, I think this was my way of trying to heal and feel better.  But what I attracted were horses with issues.  I soon realised that owning a horse with issues is a dangerous proposition and I needed help to find a way to pursue my passion.

When I started working with a problem horse what I learned was that in order to make him a better horse I needed work on me.  What I accidentally stumbled upon was through training horses I became a better mother, wife, and leader.  I learned how to be patient, remove my judgment, how to be present, be in the moment, reduce my anxiety, start to see the world through their lens.  My empathy, compassion, self-awareness, self-control, what I began to become aware of was I was working on all of my emotional intelligence abilities without realising.  In helping horses I learned how to be a better human.  The more I learned about understanding horses the greater the insights I got about leading people.  And so the journey started.

2. Why did you decide to launch Leading Together? What inspired you?

I was approached and asked if I could run a horse leadership session for a group of senior corporate executives.  Someone had heard of something similar in the United States and asked me if I could run a session.  “Sure,” I said not knowing that this one session would completely change everything for me and those who attended.

Then this little idea just took a life of its own.  Before I knew it my first session started with 7 people in the round yard with my horse.

What I didn’t expect was the most profound learnings for those 7 people.  These are just some of their feedback relating back to their experience and how lasting the change was in them even months later.

I realised that I am always jumping in and being first.  This didn’t allow me any additional time to observation to learn.  In trying to understand how to get it right and be the best at it that I didn’t try and be as present. My focus was on getting it right.  I have been practicing patience and not rushing everything.”

“It was understanding the vulnerability of a close connection and being present with myself.  I learned how to be more self-aware about being present in the room. I left feeling focused and happy, with purpose and lowered the anxiety and the feeling has lasted

“This made me think about how to influence the other decision-makers so they get what’s going on. Thoroughly enjoyed the session.  I had so much energy for days after the session it was so inspiring.”

“Powerful and relatable, giving you the know-how to deal with other people and your team.  My confidence improved as a leader, I have done lots of thinking about the session afterward and still got more days later because it influences how you lead.”

Love it so much there were practical tips on what to do.  I could use straight away.  Being present and how you are feeling in the moment.  Made me understand how to relate your behaviours to moods. Highly recommend it.  It gave me confidence – about being present and shifting my emotions.  I was able to apply the experience immediately and improved confidence”

It’s a bio-feedback mechanism with a horse about your self-efficacy.  My learning from the session was I understood how to be up with intensity but with clear direction and focus.”

“I started with a fear of failure and feeling competitive.  My ego meant I didn’t want to be the person who couldn’t do it.  It was a new and different experience, I don’t have anything to do with horses so was intimidated and scared.  I felt vulnerable and way outside my comfort zone.  The connection I got was so refreshing and a great way to build a shared experience.  It was a completely new context to make the unconscious thoughts into a competence.”

“It was feeling like a pressurised situation where you go to a feeling of threat and try to make it about me. But then learning how to make it not about me and about being in control.  The experience connected a lot of dots and good personal values.  Its things we should be working on every day and when you have mastered it in one situation doesn’t mean you have it secure.” 

“It is an effective coaching and leadership tool.  It improved my relationship with my daughter.  I become more self-aware of my behaviour towards her.  I have been making a conscious effect and our relationship has changed.”

3. Your workshops involve learner-based educational experience with horses. What is the idea behind this concept?

It is honestly the best leadership training available.  Consistently leaders will tell me they learnt more about leadership in a couple of hours with a horse trainer and leadership coach than anything else they have done.

My insights into why this works so well are as a leader we need to understand how to use our soft skills or our emotional intelligence.  People don’t always tell you the truth they often tell you what you want to hear.  Horses don’t lie.  As prey animals, their senses are heightened and they feedback immediately how you are at that moment.

So as we learn to be present, lead with intent, and use our physicality to relate our messages horses will tell us if we are being congruent or not.  As you learn to relax and lead with confidence horses will engage and reward your behaviour regardless if you are CEO or a 10-year-old kid.  Empathy, body language, calm assertive confidence, self-awareness, self-control, and reducing our anxiety are all things we can learn.  These skills are required to motivate and engage and inspire teams but are not taught

It is like a try to be bodybuilder from a textbook.  You can read how to be a great bodybuilder but unless you physically lift the weights you are not going to be a bodybuilder.  The same is true for the skills required for leadership.  You can read all the textbooks but unless you experience what it feels like to be empathetic or what it feels like when you are controlling your emotions then you cant master the skill.  Horses are incredible teachers when we are being authentic to ourselves they immediately acknowledge and reward.

Management and being a boss are different to the skills of being a leader.  We are often taught the practical aspects of our roles and how to manage tasks rather than lead people.

4. Can you explain the ways you can help your clients?

We teach people to find their authentic leadership style.  So that they can feel confident and comfortable leading others.  It’s about uncovering their own truth and what may be holding them back.  Everyone has their own unique “aha” moments every time they come whether that is for one session or a whole 8-week program they walk away with tangible practical lessons for them.

5. With other leadership and coaching programs available, what makes Leading Together unique? How are your services different from its competitors?

Using a horse cuts through so much “stuff”.  Leaders often have to put on a brave face and lie to those around you.  Or the fake it until you make it.  Be positive and motivate everyone else regardless of what is going on for you.  However, “you can’t bullshit a horse”  authenticity matters to a horse. As prey animals, horses are incredibly sensitive to your motions and emotions. They respond to how you show up at that exact moment.  They don’t hold a grudge and forgive immediately.  So when you are with them and being genuinely clear, confident, and comfortable in yourself and your role as a leader they will follow.  Horses like humans just want to feel safe.  Horses are to herds as people are to teams.  They want a clear and confident leader but it has to be genuine.

“Horses make you humble”, you cannot ignore a horse working with a 600-kilo animal reminds you to be present.  You need to park your ego at the gate. You need to be aware of what you’re doing (or not doing) as a leader and the impact you’re having on those around you.

“Horses want you to set the pace” – know where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, communicate it, and role-model it clearly. Once you have their trust, you don’t have to wait for the horse – they want you to lead.

6. Did you face any difficulties or challenges when you decide to launch Leading Together? As the Founder and as a female entrepreneur, how did you face the challenges?

So many challenges how do you juggle trying to start a business, and being judged as the face and person stepping forward.  What if I fail?  Or what if I succeed?  As a woman in leadership, I have always felt I needed to work twice as hard to be taken half as seriously.

Time management is the constant challenge of how to find the time to be the marketing person, being the website developer, be hands-on coaching, and sometimes accountant.  I think for me it is allowing myself the opportunities to be vulnerable and to learn.  And constantly being open to getting advice from those who have the experience find the topic expert and ask.

7. As a female entrepreneur, would you like to share some advice for others who want to become entrepreneurs?

You have to have a ridiculous belief in yourself.  So that you can block out the criticism.  Everyone is scared when you start something new.  This is not unique.  Somehow you have to feel the fear and do it anyway.  The one thing I continue to remember is the advice “the breakthrough always comes just after you want to give up”.  So when you get the days where it all seems too hard, and everything is at the toughest point,  it is in that moment that the smallest step forward might just be your large breakthrough moment, that could be  “your overnight success”

The other little reminder I have is grandmother telling me you will only regret the things you didn’t do. Not the things you did do.  So don’t die wondering.

We are sure that you enjoyed and inspired reading this interview with Jannine Jackson, founder of Leading Together. To connect with her check her website