Equine-Assisted Learning is an innovative and effective approach to personal and professional development. Because it uses horses as partners in the learning process. It is a unique and powerful tool that can help people and groups of all ages and backgrounds learn new skills, develop self-awareness, and build stronger relationships.
Here are some of the key benefits of Equine Assisted Learning:
Improved communication skills: Horses are incredibly attuned to your non-verbal communication. This means when you are working with horses they can help anyone become more aware of their own body language. Being aware of your own body language and tone will improve your ability to communicate effectively with others.
Increased self-awareness: Horses are honest mirrors of our emotions and intentions. So when you are working with them can help you become more aware of your own emotional state and develop greater emotional intelligence. A better understanding of yourself therefore will help you understand others.
Enhanced leadership and teamwork skills: Horses are social animals that rely on strong leadership and teamwork to survive. So when you are working with a horse you need to be their leader. When you are working with them they will show you how. It then becomes easier to understand how you develop your own leadership and teamwork skills.
Reduced stress and anxiety: There is a lot of evidence about how spending time with horses has a calming effect on the human nervous system, which in turn can help you reduce stress and anxiety.
Fun and engaging: Equine Assisted Learning is a fun and engaging way to learn new skills. It is a great way to develop personal and professional insights. It’s a unique and memorable experience that can help you build confidence and self-esteem.
Experiential Learning: Equine Assisted Learning is a practical way to engage in problem-solving skills that stick with you for life.
In summary, Equine Assisted Learning is a powerful and effective approach to personal and professional development. In other words, it is a program that can help individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds learn new skills, develop self-awareness, and build stronger relationships. If you’re interested in improving your communication skills, possibly developing your leadership abilities, or even reducing stress and anxiety, Equine Assisted Learning may be the perfect solution for you.
This was a question I was recently asked to me. My enthusiastic response was “it can work for anyone if you are willing”. Now I know that sounds like it is a throwaway line, but as I started to reflect on the life-changing outcomes that I have seen first-hand I genuinely believe this statement.
Having worked with people of different ages and stages of life, and very different walks of life. I believe it is true. Working with very senior executive leaders to young vulnerable teens, I have seen it work every time.
What is Equine Assisted Learning?
We make change happen by creating unique workshops based on spending time with our horses. Our horses can help you shift your perspective in a very short period of time. It works because it is so out of the box and experiential. The horse experience helps individuals think differently, feel differently, and act differently. . Equine Assisted Learning is a growing trend and one that is spreading like wildfire across the globe. There are many people who have been using this form of learning for years, but it has only recently received recognition in the mainstream media. I wanted to share some amazing outcomes that explain why I continue to learn and offer my time in doing this.
How the Journey Started For Me
I was so lucky I got to spend some time with an incredible horseman Greg Powell. He opened my eyes to what was possible. He had started a charity called Kalandan Foundation and was working with very vulnerable teenagers and made a documentary about it called Wild Horses Wild Kids. At the time I was working for a charity called Sir David Martin Foundation and as part of what we funded was the brumby program with Greg Powell. What I witnessed during this time changed me forever. I was awestruck, excited and so curious as to how traumatised teenagers were changing before my eyes. I really had no idea what was going on. It felt at the time like I was watching a magic show. I could see changes happening I just couldn’t figure out how or what was happening.
I was asking so many questions and watching with a newly found curiosity trying to figure out what was going on right in front of me. Well, with my curiosity sparked I went down a rabbit hole that has changed my whole world. I am a very different person now, from the one that started this journey.
So many things have been put in my path from that moment until now and too many serendipitous moments for me to ignore. I have met some of the most incredible horse people and leaders from whom I have taken so much of my learnings. I also have had horses that have challenged and pushed me to find better ways. I have also pursued the dream by getting qualified as an equine-assisted learning facilitator.
The Leadership Session That Changed Everything
I am engaged in a leadership group and we were sharing stories and issues. One of the people in the group asked “if I could run horse whispering sessions for leaders” no hesitation I said “Sure thing”. And moved on with the conversation and didn’t give it a second thought. Not thinking anything more about that conversation, a few weeks later I was asked when I would be available for 8 senior leaders to come out to my place to run that session we talked about. I could feel that nagging inner voice telling me that I can’t possibly do this, and then, the panicset in. What on earth had I said yes to? I couldn’t run a session for other senior leaders. What would they say? How could I show my face if it didn’t work?
Or could I?
Then I realised I wouldn’t know if I didn’t at least try. So I did and the rest is history.
There were so many incredible things that happened that day for me and for everyone there. It was a moment that made me believe I really can do this.
Having worked with now a number of vulnerable young people, women with anxiety and senior leaders I realise that this can work for anyone. Here are a few of my favourite life-altering moments.
A young man with anger management issues, Aspergers and a raft of other complex issues came to do a 4-week session. He learned from my horses that “people listen to me when I am being nice and not angry. I can get what I want from being nicer people” This was a major turning point for this young man who at the time was unable to live at home partly due to his anger management issues.
A young girl who was struggling with her mental health and significant relationships with her family had almost completely broken down. She learned from horses how to make friends and be open to the possibility of letting others into her life.
A senior leader who was authoritarian in his approach to those around him learned from my horses how using fear and intimidation as a motivational technique felt to those around him. This changed the way he started dealing with his family. He began to have a healthy relationship with his teenage daughter.
A senior leader who was too apologetic and trying to be friends with everyone learned how to be calm and assertive in his approach. Amazingly his large team of staff started listening to him and he began to get results from a team who were disengaged prior.
A young anxious woman who was struggling, with everyday life and finding everything difficult. After going through family counselling, psychologists, medication when I met her she had given up. Nothing had really worked. Well, I can say my horses performed again after a couple of sessions we had a different person showing up she is smiling and engaged and positive about her life. My horses helped her understand her boundaries and see she needed some persistence to get through.
An anxiety-filled woman who really struggled to overcome imposter syndrome, now leading a team of macho men in a male-dominated workshop. Horses gave her the confidence to be her authentic self and find power in that space.
Equine Assisted Learning Can Help You
These experiences and so many more have changed my life. I continue to see what is possible. The incredible healing that my horses can provide from deep-seated trauma is something I don’t fully understand how. I just know it does. I can see my horse go into a calm lowered energy space and how she starts to transform those around her. It is something that is really special to see and feel. The change in the people in her presence. They explain it as “I just feel better”. If you don’t know it is happening you would miss it. I have begun to recognise the look on her face it is a different space for her to hold.
There is no noise, there is no movement but I know when she is providing healing she is moving mountains deep within people.
So yes I do believe that regardless of what is happening for you in your life Equine Assisted Learning can help you.
I am so incredibly grateful that I found out how my ponies can change lives, its in these life changing moments that I see how easy it can be. I have had the opportunity to work with senior leaders, women and vulnerable young people. Regardless of their story, simply, how life changing this can be. I have had such powerful conversations that I just don’t know where or how else you can do that. After meeting someone for 5 mins you can then have life changing conversations. One such moment was talking with a young man with autism and behavioral issues, he decided rather than being violent when you are frustrated try talking calmly. My horse showed him the way. It was an aha moment for him. Which then led to another conversation about how to have respect for his family and belongings.
An incredibly shy young woman about how to engage with people and make new friends. A senior leader learning how to breath and stay calm under highly stressful situations. A young woman learning how to hold herself to be confident and assertive without dominance in difficult situations.
I realise that these are just small moments in a life time but they are profound. It just melts my heart.
It doesn’t matter your story or where you are this works.
The lessons learned from Finnegan weren’t about horses it was about me.
Anyone who has ridden an anxious horse will tell you “its like sitting on a time bomb waiting for it to go off”
I wonder how many of you can relate to this story and all my problems.
I got back into horse riding after having many years off, and my enthusiasm wasn’t going to be dampened by my reality. I knew I desperately wanted a horse and the one I could afford at the time was a green-off-the-track racehorse with a number of issues. As we all know, for a green rider, is exactly the type of horse you shouldn’t have. He didn’t load onto a horse float, he bucked almost every time you asked for a canter, he was anxious about everything, and I simply couldn’t keep weight on him.
So I am sure you wouldn’t be surprised when I told you I came off this horse multiple times. I experienced a number of broken bones, concussions and damaged discs in my neck. It is hard to remember the number of hospital visits and injuries sustained with this new found love of mine. He was just like a ticking time bomb just waiting for the explosion.
Lessons That Everyone Wanted to Impart
Everyone had advice; all I needed was a different saddle, it was the saddle that needed to be fitted correctly, it’s definitely the bridle causing the problem. When that didn’t work it was; his teeth needed to be done, you obviously just need to lunge him more, tire him out, he needs a chiropractor he is definitely sore. Then it was; his feed is making him anxious, he has ulcers you need the vet. I listened to all of them and tried all of them, each with their own expenses. Now the bills are adding up, and I still don’t have a horse that I can do much with.
Maybe I just needed to spend more and buy a new horse because obviously all of these problems were because my horse just wasn’t right.
The Dream Horse Finnegan
So I bought a bigger better horse, Finnegan. I was so sure that this was the answer because it was love at first sight. I just had to have this horse. He also loaded on the horse float and could be ridden out in public. I thought I bought the dream.
That was until I had one of the worst falls of my life. I broke my pelvis, had severe concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and was in the hospital and unable to walk for weeks.
So now my confidence and self-belief is at an all-time low. Do I sell him too? I tried but just couldn’t part with him.
Incredible Horseman
It was at this time I met an incredible horseman who said to me, I am not taking on any more horses to retrain them. He was meeting horses with human problems. Not people with problem horses. So unless people came with their horses to work on the whole issue he wasn’t going to do it. Which is how I started working on me and my horses.
I needed to solve my own issues. It wasn’t just a horse problem it was also a people problem.
Lessons Learned from Finnegan
So now my experiences are very different and I see things differently. My horses allow me an opportunity for self-development every time I am with them. I am always trying to find new ways to give my horses a stable state of mind and a willingness to learn as there is always something new to explore. Every time I am with my horses I am practicing so many things. Am I present and aware of how I am feeling right now? What is my horse telling me about how I am feeling? When you listen they will tell you.
Finnegan would hold his head on my chest until I started breathing. It took me so long to understand what was happening. My routine was to rush down to the stables after work. If I got home quick enough I could fit a ride in before dark. So I would grab my horse, quickly saddle him and rush into the arena all the time racing before it got dark. Then one day he started putting his head on my chest whilst I was trying to saddle him. I would pat and then quickly rush to get the rest done and he would get more persistent. Until I stopped and smiled and really noticed him and patted. What I started to realise was that the act of patting him and noticing him made me think about him and not the task at hand. So I would breathe and my energy levels dropped. He was a genius. He figured out if he could get me to stop and relax before I rode, I was happier and so was he. Because I was in a different state of mind, I would be more patient and enjoyed my ride. It wasn’t just another thing to fit into my busy day. The epiphany came, when reflecting on my behaviours in an executive coaching session. I became aware of what was actually happening.
So I started being aware of how I was feeling when saddling him up. Every time, if I was rushing and anxious, he would put his head on my chest until I relaxed. It was a habit. As soon as I relaxed he would let me get on with what I was doing. Once I figured out his queue for me our relationship shifted. I started being more aware of the smaller things he was telling me. This is how it started. Finnegan became my teacher and wow what an incredible teacher he was. So many life changing lessons learned from Finnegan but the biggest one is horses can teach.
Has anyone told you not to do something or not to behave a certain way and that is the one thing you are focusing on? Dieting is a great example for me. Don’t eat sugar its bad for you. So I am thinking all day about a packet of lollies and how I am not allowed to eat it. Guess what the first thing is I grab for when I am tired. Or currently, because we are not allowed to travel, so I am thinking about all the amazing destinations and things I am missing out on. I call it my FOMO (my fear of missing out). COVID is certainly testing my FOMO.
I had my Aha! moment teaching someone to ride on the weekend and they were focusing on “the don’t”. So when I asked “what are you thinking about?” and they responded, “I am thinking about not using my spurs”. They could do that for about 6 or 7 strides and then they would be doing the precise thing that they were trying not to do. “So, try replacing your don’t with a do. Let’s try thinking about using our calf and upper thigh”. It worked.
My inspiration came from listening to two podcasts only days apart about this exact thing from two different horsemen telling the exact same story just from their own point of view. Warwick Schiller’s Performance Horsemanship and Double Dan Horsemanship told the story of the blue tree. Don’t think about the Blue Tree – anyway the only thing you think about is the blue tree. Highly recommend both of their podcasts, great storytellers.
When you fill your mind with what you want and the stronger you can make the visual the easier it is to do. Try a vision and fill in the feelings, sights, sounds, and smells. The clearer the image the easier it is to create that end result. That is why sports psychologists talk about the visuals and a clear focus. Visualise the ball going through the hoop no net. If it works for elite athletes why can’t it work for you or me?
Our brains are wired to do only one thing at a time and when we create a mental picture they are brilliant at filling in the blanks and making it happen.
So I am going to practice focusing on what I want. I am going to try and replace my don’ts with my do’s.