Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence in the workplace separates high performers from the average employees.  This is something gaining popularity as leaders become aware of the role emotional intelligence plays in the workplace.

As employees why does emotional intelligence matter and what is it?

(four corner formula) There are 5 key components of emotional intelligence in the workplace:

Self-awareness; is an understanding of how you are feeling at any moment in time. It is also understanding how your behaviour impacts others.

Motivation – An effective self-motivation requires you to have a positive attitude towards goals across the organisation.

Self-regulation – Processing our own emotions effectively means we have the ability to read the situation effectively.   Our response is only possible when we can self-regulate.   We need to work to commit ourselves to the goals of the organization with integrity.

Social skills – are critical in a workplace the ability to build teams, forge change, and manage the conflict are important.

Empathy – Empathy is the ability to place oneself in the shoes of another. Managers need insight into how their decisions and behavior will impact their subordinates, peers, and superiors.

Emotional intelligence is a set of skills and behaviors that can be learned and developed.

According to Harvard there are some telltale signs of people with low Emotional Intelligence and those with high Emotional Intelligence.

People with low Emotional Intelligence:

  • Often feels misunderstood
  • Get upset easily
  • Become overwhelmed by emotions
  • Have problems being assertive

People with high Emotional Intelligence:

  • Understand the links between their emotions and how they behave
  • Remain calm and composed during stressful situations
  • Are able to influence others toward a common goal
  • Handle difficult people with tact and diplomacy

When staff lacks emotional intelligence they can be extraordinarily damaging to the culture.

The good news is that we can improve our emotional intelligence it is a skill that we can learn. We can improve on skills that improve knowledge of how others and we feel. We can also learn to harness our emotions in a way that meets the needs of our organisation.

At the individual level, exercises such as meditation, psychotherapy, coaching, and eliciting feedback from peers can provide meaningful insight into our own emotional landscape.

Within organisations, team-building exercises, corporate retreats, staff support groups, and training can pay handsome dividends for both collective and individual employee emotional health.  In addition, you need to recognise and call out the behaviour.

Emotional Intelligence Workshops

Leading Together runs emotional intelligence workshops. Engage your leadership potential to improve your self-awareness, self-management, empathy, social awareness, and motivation. Horses are very aware of how you are feeling in the moment and can help you find a powerful way to experience emotional intelligence. The workshops are conducted in a relaxed environment with a horse trainer and leadership coach. They run for a couple of hours depending on the people attending and you will come away with a deeper understanding of yourself.

When creating connections with horses and people beautiful things happen.

Building emotional intelligence in yourself is one thing, but building a culture of emotional intelligence in the workplace can be a challenge.  Our leaders must learn it first and model that behaviour.  Changing behaviours doesn’t have to be complex.  Leading Together uses horses to shortcut the learnings in team workshops.  By scheduling team workshop sessions over 5 weeks you can radically change your workplace culture.

Message us for more information 

The Number 1 Fear is Public Speaking

The Number 1 Fear is Public Speaking

Deer in the Headlights

People who make their living researching what frightens people the most have made a pretty amazing discovery. Consistently when people list the top five things they are afraid of in life, they have are some pretty intimidating terrors. But you would think that death would rank number one on that list. But death doesn’t take number one, it has to settle for number two. Amazingly, the number one thing that terrifies most people is not death, it is public speaking. A popular comedian once said that this means that people would rather be the guy in the casket at a funeral than the guy giving the eulogy.

If you have ever been in a meeting listening to a speaker, you can usually tell if they are terrified. They will get up there and you will see that “deer in the headlights” look. You know that look. It is one of extreme fear, panic, and terror. So profound that the person is frozen in place unable to speak or move. And if you have ever been that guy or gal in front of a group giving the “deer in the headlights” look, you know the feeling of terror.  That fear that happens in front of a group of people can be pretty awful.

Public Speaking Is Now Part of Your Job

So if you know that public speaking is going to be part of your job or something you have to regularly, you have to find a way to neutralize that fear.  And be able to relax in front of a crowd when you speak. How often have you sat and listened to a speaker who was relaxed, funny, bright, and even able to field questions with no difficulty at all? It’s easy to admire that kind of public speaker and think that he or she has some magical powers that you will never get. But they don’t have magic. That speaker has just learned some techniques for neutralizing those fears.  So he or she can appear relaxed and as though he or she is having fun up there. It’s not an inborn talent. It’s a skill that can be learned.

Of course, a lot of the ability to look out at a sea of faces who want to hear what you want to say and not feel sick comes from experience. But experience teaches you things that you can at least understand before you become an old pro at public speaking.

Fear of Public Speaking

One of those things is that the crowd out there doesn’t know what to expect. If you broke down why you feel terrified in front of people, it’s that you think that they think they know what they want and that you are being judged.

But to understand what people really expect when they are looking at you at the podium on stage, just remember the last time you heard someone speak. You had no predefined idea what was about to be said.  And you probably had no outline or any frame of reference for what that speaker was going to say. That means that even if you don’t deliver your speech perfectly, they will never know that! As long as you don’t let on that you are nervous or not sure about your material, they won’t know if you got it wrong. If you forget an entire segment of your speech, as long as what you do say flows nicely and they never know you forgot it.  The people listening will think your speech was just fine and will probably applaud.

Speak To The Individuals

Also, remember that you are not really speaking to a group. The group has no ears. You are speaking to several individuals. When you are listening to a speaker, you are one person listening to one person. That is how each person in that audience is receiving you, as individuals. So if you speak to them as though they are one person and not a crowd, your presentation will be warm and persona.  It will be successful. And the crowd will like you to which helps a lot.

Just remember that their expectations of you are fairly low and for the most part.  People coming to hear you speak want you to succeed. So smile at them, use a bit of humor and use that little insider tip to relax up there. And when you can relax, you can actually have fun at public speaking rather than wishing you were the guy in the casket instead.

So if you are someone who wants to overcome your fear of Public Speaking check out our book from Public Speaking from Terror to Triumph

Easy Steps to a Compelling Presentation

Easy Steps to a Compelling Presentation

If you follow these 4 easy steps to a compelling presentation you will be able to go from terror to triumph in no time.

Create a Problem and Then Solve It

How well your presentation goes the next time you step up to a podium depends on several factors. But one factor you can control completely is your script. The way you organize your content and how you present the material to that crowd can either totally captivate them and drive them step by step to conclusion or it can bore them to sleep. Its all in how you construct your presentation and how you present what you want them to know throughout the talk.

The difference between a great talk and a boring one is simple. A great talk is compelling. A great talk gets to the heart of a common experience. It addresses something we all go through and deals with a need we all experience. In short, a great talk solves a problem. So to create a presentation that reaches out and grabs your audience and holds them for the entire time of your presentation, you have to create a problem for them. And then you have to solve it.

Add Drama

The point when you create the problem is in your opening comments. Now don’t shy away from being a bit melodramatic in your opening. Remember the goal of the opening is to grab the audience’s group attention and rivet it on your talk. So present the problem statement in a personal way, how it is meaningful on a personal level to the audience and to you. A about 20% of the time to the creation of the problem statement. By the time you have created that big monster in the room, they will be ready for you to guide them toward the solution.

With the audience “in the palm of your hand”, you can move directly into the description of the perfect solution. The solution phase of your talk can be broken into two parts. First describe what the perfect solution would look like. You would not even directly bring up your solution just yet. Base your description of the perfect solution on the problem statement so you have an aspect of the solution that fits every possible problem created at the first part of your talk.

Now Give the Solution

The next phase is the next to the last and comes about 50% into your time. Now you have the audience in a perfect place to hear your solution. Use about 30-40% of your total time on the proposed solution, fitting it perfectly to your discussion of the problem and the outline of what a perfect solution looks like. By this time the audience is eager to know the solution. All you are doing now is closing the deal.

If we followed a standard “term paper” approach to a program, the final phase would be to sum up and go over what you just talked about. But we are not going to follow that pattern because this is the time for the “pay off”. In your closing statements, you finally disclose the action to be taken. By giving your audience what they can do to take the first step on putting your solution into motion, you are cashing in on all that energy you created in the first 80% of your speech.

Close the Deal

Now close the deal by giving them concrete and “right now” things they can do to recognize the problem and start the wheels turning on making the solution a reality. If its possible make the first step of implementing that solution happen right there in the room with you. That might be signing up for a newsletter, giving you an email address or going to another room for further counseling and discussion. You know what it is. But by using that energy, you convert passive listeners to active participants. And you did that with a very well designed and a well executive presentation plan.

We have a great book that can provide many more tips to deliver that perfect presentation. You can learn how to close your deal with more easy steps to a compelling presentation inside,  Public Speaking from Terror to Triumph. 

Becoming Larger Than Life – “Own the room”

Becoming Larger Than Life – “Own the room”

Becoming Larger Than Life

To say that there is no ego in a person who does public speaking regularly or for a living would be clearly a false statement. But for those of us who only speak from time to time, when you see a speaker who can walk out in a room of 30 people or a auditorium of 3000 and literally “own the room”, it really is an amazing transformation. To imagine how you could ever be that much larger than life is mind boggling.

But in a lot of ways, when you step out to talk to a group of people, you do become larger than life. That is because you are doing the impossible. You are having a conversation with dozens of people all at once. Now, whether you feel like you are having that conversation or not isn’t important. If your talk is not interactive, you may not know the dialog is happening. But in the minds of every single individual in that hall, they are interacting with you. What you are saying is getting down inside of them and they are reacting to it. But even more than what you are saying, how you are saying it is having an even bigger impact.

Create a Persona

So are there things you can do to “become” larger than life? Well there are some ways of behaving in front of a crowd that differ from daily life. We do have to accept that you will develop a “stage persona” that is different from your daily personality when you speak to a group. Does that make you a phony? No. Both of those personalities are you. It is just a different you when you relate to a group than to people one on one and it seems strange because that form of you only comes out on stage. But it isn’t a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde thing. Just as you speak to a child differently than you speak to an adult, you will develop a way to talking to a group that differs from speaking to an individual.

Own The Room

Part of becoming larger than life is learning to what they call “own the room”. This sound egotistic and strange but it really does work when you are about to speak. Owning the room simply means that when you step out in front of that crowd, they are no longer some random group of people, they are YOUR people. They are there to listen to you and what you say is of value to them. If you had any ego problems before you stepped out in front of that audience, check that ego problem at the door.

You must assume that you are adored when you speak to a group of people. This doesn’t mean you strut about like God’s gift to the world. But it does mean that you recognize that your value to this group is as a speaker and that your services are wanted and needed here. In fact, the only way you will be an effective public speaker is if you own the room. Treat that room like it was your home and these people came here just because being with you is just that great. If you step out there with that attitude, the audience will buy into your attitude and they will give you the room and be glad you took it over.

Recognise the craft

It can be a bit strange if you watch yourself become larger than life. But you can be humble about it and just recognize it is part of the craft of becoming a great public speaker. And if being good at this art you are gifted to give to the world means owning rooms and becoming bigger for an hour or so, well then why deny the world that experience? Enjoy it and let others enjoy it too.

There are many more tips to overcoming your fear of public speaking in our book.  Public Speaking From Terror to Triumph. 

Why Experiential Learning Works

Why Experiential Learning Works

Experiential Learning Is the Key to Learning

Over 100 years ago, a guy called Hermann Ebbinghaus formulated the learning curve.  The learning curve is the is how long your retain information or the relationship between memory and time. Simply put if you retain all the information on day one. Your memory is at 100 percent on day one, then you have a 50-80 percent loss on day two which continues until you have only 2-3 percent of that memory left at the end of thirty days.

Now, this is sped up with our shorter attention spans and increased overload of information.  So 100 years later our learning sometimes is reduced to 140 characters!
So what can we do to improving learning outcomes and retaining critical information.  This why experiential learning is the key to the overload of information.

What is Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the process of learning by doing.
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (Kolb, 1984) defines experiential learning as “the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience.”
A diagram of Kolb's cycle of experiential learning

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory presents a cycle of four elements

  1. Concrete Experience
  2. Reflective Observation
  3. Abstract Conceptualization
  4. Active Experimentation

How can it help?

According to Mr Rajiv Jayaraman, Founder and CEO, KNOLSKAPE, there are eight reasons why experiential learning is the future of learning.

1. Accelerates Learning

Repetitive Learning or learning by rote has long been replaced by ‘Learning by Doing.’ Experiential Learning uses critical thinking, or problem solving and decision making.  By learning this way it has been established it accelerates learning. 

Accelerated learning our lessons in shorter sessions more suited to how we now learn.

2. Provides a Safe Learning Environment

Simulations are important.  Simulations provide challenges, allow mistakes to happen during the course of learning.  Creating a safe environment. 

Make mistakes in a simulated environment and learn in an arena rather than in the workplace.

3. Bridges the Gap Between Theory and Practice

By moving beyond theory into “learning by doing,’. Our learning allows a first hand experience of how you react under pressure to put into practicing what has been taught.  This piece in crucial in being able to retain concepts and ideas.

4. Produces Demonstrable Mindset Changes

There are very few learning methods that can have a dramatic impact on the participant’s mindset.  Ours does, emotional intelligence workshops, is one of them. Management guru Henry Mintzberg pointed out long ago that, “Leadership, like swimming, cannot be learned by reading about it”.

5. Increases Engagement Levels

In the scenario of a Team Leadership Workshop there is a focus on collaboration and learning from each other and this learning environment it increases engagement. Given that in the arena, each person is immediately involved in the problem solving , the level of ownership of the outcome is high.

6. Delivers Exceptional Return on Investment (RoI)

Experiential learning is personal and effective in nature, influencing both feelings and emotions as well as enhancing knowledge and skills. It goes beyond classroom learning and ensures that there is high level of retention, thereby delivering exceptional RoI over a traditional learning program.

7. Provides Assessments

Assessing the effectiveness of the experience is a crucial element of any learning program. Most assessments are data driven and traditional tools use tests to measure effectiveness. When it comes to experiential learning programs, it is extremely difficult to gather data, which can be used for assessments. But others have said this it is still the best leadership training ever.

8. Enables Personalised Learning

Experiential learning is highly effective in meeting these requirements to enable personalised learning. Everyone gets to learn at their own pace.

Our leadership workshops are backed by research and experiential learning in practice, where personal reflections are put into practice. Get out of the classroom and into the arena for leadership learning.

Bullying, Toxicity in the Workplace

Bullying, Toxicity in the Workplace

As a leader you are in a position of power over others and…“with great power comes great responsibility”. You can choose to use it to build people up or use it to destroy them.  As a leader bullying, toxicity in the workplace becomes your responsibilty.  Leaders need to know what it is and how to manage it. 


Anyone who has been a victim of workplace bullying or worked in a toxic workplace will know the damage that can be done. It can ruin your confidence, cause anxiety, or even worse lead to severe mental health problems. When you are at work for most of your waking moments this constant stress can lead to physical manifestations and a breakdown in other significant relationships in your life.


Bullying and Toxicity in the Workplace


According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, it can look like…

  • repeated hurtful remarks or attacks, or making fun of your work or you as a person (including your family, sex, sexuality, gender identity, race or culture, education or economic background)
  • sexual harassment, particularly stuff like unwelcome touching and sexually explicit comments and requests that make you uncomfortable
  • excluding you or stopping you from working with people or taking part in activities that relates to your work
  • playing mind games, ganging up on you, or other types of psychological harassment
  • intimidation (making you feel less important and undervalued)
  • giving you pointless tasks that have nothing to do with your job
  • giving you impossible jobs that can’t be done in the given time or with the resources provided
  • deliberately changing your work hours or schedule to make it difficult for you
  • deliberately holding back information you need for getting your work done properly
  • pushing, shoving, tripping, grabbing you in the workplace
  • attacking or threatening with equipment, knives, guns, clubs or any other type of object that can be turned into a weapon
  • initiation or hazing – where you are made to do humiliating or inappropriate things in order to be accepted as part of the team.


Two-thirds of Australians experience bullying, according to Study in South Australia University.

Given more than 2/3rds of us experience workplace bullying there is a high probability that you are a victim, witness, or perpetrator of workplace bullying. The effects of this can last a lifetime. It is an important and urgent issue.  I was staggered by the numbers and the research. 


There is a growing body of evidence showing that there is a significant correlation between bullying and low emotional intelligence. I believe that most leaders who lead through fear do this because they don’t know another way. Bullying and low emotional intelligence also correlate also with workplace performance.   


Having been the victim of bullying, I personally understand the emotional and physical impact. It is this experience that continues to drive me to find another way to lead. I am a passionate believer that those in a position of leadership have a responsibility to manage and care for their team in a way that supports them. As a leader you have an obligation to show up, be present and do what you can so that they can grow into great leaders themselves.


Physical Symptoms


Bullying and ongoing stress

What ongoing stress can do to the body



If you are seeing any of these systems in your organisation or in yourself you may want to evalutate if you are in a toxic workplace.  It is important that we understand it.  What does it look and feel like and then make choices to either leave or change the culture. 

I have witnessed a workplace so toxic that woman were vomiting in the bathroom everyday through fear.  There were suicide ideation discussed and strategies from leaders on how to support suicidal staff but none of the conversation revolved around improving culture.  The anxiety in amoungst the team was incredibly unhealthy and had been normalised.   

The physical and emotional cost is not just “burn out”.  It can be permanent.  It is trauma. 




Solutions to bullying and toxicity are clear 

By increasing emotional intelligence you can transform a workplace. It works in all areas of the organisation.  , improving wellbeing, performance, and motivation. Research is clear that emotional intelligence creates the difference between good leadership and great leadership.   Everyone wins in a workplace that has a higher level of emotional intelligence.  If you want to learn more about emotional intelligence and how to use it you can download my free emotional intelligence book

#emotionalintelligence #leadership #itmatters